Jan Harthan
Jan Harthan and her husband, Dave, have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators since 1971.
They worked for 19 years in Brazil and 10 years in Mozambique. Jan did work as a copy editor from 1994 to 1996 for Tyndale House Publishers and four other publishers. She was one of the copy editors of the New Living Translation. Jan is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Her passion is to provide God’s Word in language and style that children can read and understand. She wants to give them the opportunity to read and understand God’s Word and learn how to apply it to their lives.
The Best News Ever contains the complete biblical text. It has been checked and approved by experienced Bible translation consultants.
Jan has used drafts of The Best News Ever to do Bible studies with her grandchildren from the time they were two years old. She has also used drafts of The Best News Ever in teaching elementary Sunday School classes.
Version Comparisons
We are not deeply impacted by the meaning of the Bible because of complex sentence structure and unfamiliar vocabulary.
But The Best News Ever is “punching holes in the darkness” of biblical illiteracy. It is helping to shed light and facilitate understanding because it is written in language and style that make God’s Word accessible to all. Its average of 9.85 words per sentence is evidence of its simple sentence structure. That statistic stands in contrast to the New Testament in other Bible versions. The King James Version (KJV) has an average of 29.56 words per sentence. The New International Version (NIV) has an average of 20 words per sentence. And New Living Translation (NLT) has an average of 15.78 words per sentence.
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